Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Warning Label

Given the royal pain in the rear that I've been since marrying my loving husband, particularly on the medical front, I feel that I should have come with a warning label. Things that should have been included:

This individual contains a brain that is too large for her (already large) head. While you might find this attractive, it will cause her much pain and suffering until it is diagnosed, and thus it will also cause you great pain and suffering. Until she eventually has surgery a few years after your wedding, you will be subject to mood swings, and required to perform manual labor as often as she feels is necessary (when she wants stuff carried in from the car or heavy stuff lifted). Let's not forget to mention that you will move 4 times in 4 years.

After surgery is performed, you will continue being her slave until she is completely healed. If you're lucky, mood swings will be gone and she might do some things for herself.

Post surgery, she will then be subjected to fertility treatments for an entire year. You will be required to endure the process with her and will be called upon to give her daily injections with really big needles. You will be on call and need to miss work depending on how her body decides to act that particular day.

When she does get pregnant finally, it'll be twins. Of course, her body does nothing the easy way. Expect the unexpected!

This individual will be able to out drink you and thus will require that you be her personal DD...until she's pregnant of course, then it's payback time!

She will love your dog as though it's a child and if said dog is curled up against her cuddling or sleeping, you will be required to fetch whatever she needs that isn't within reach.

She will work full time at a job that is significantly farther away than yours. During this time, the odds of her cooking you dinner are slim to none. The odds of you cooking? Pretty darn high!

Despite all of the above warnings, she will love you unconditionally and will one day (hopefully) get to repay you for putting up with her.

I love you Bunny!


Anonymous said...

How sweet!

Paula said...

This is so funny! And sweet!

Kim Thomas said...

The first one is my and your big brain.

Jane said...

If only all humans could have a warning label

Queen B said...

that is very sweet :) we all could have Warning labels stuck on us

Andrea said...

That is great!! I agree we should all come with warning labels, but I'm sure that you repay him in your own way all the time!!

Anonymous said...

OMG - I am copying this entier thing - minus the fertility and pregnancy part. If Will ever needs some sympathy, tell him to give Doug a call. HEHE!!

Twin :)