My sistor has started her very own blog here. And yes, I meant to spell it "sistor".
Go check it out and leave her lots of comments so she gets hooked like the rest of us. :) If she's lagging on posting, just ask her to tell you a story about how she used to torture her big sistor when we were little and shared a room.

OK. You gotta explain the Sistor spelling....
It's all about the pronunciation. We pronounce it "sis-tor". We have issues, this is not news. If you have any doubts, please read my other blog. :)
No no, Jenn got the pronunciation wrong. It's "see-stor". I have heard this on many occasions, especially when alcohol is involved.
Will does have a good point...the more alcohol, the more e's.
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeestor :)
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