Sunday, July 8, 2007

It's a Small World...

So, in my home office when I hear my husband call to me from his office "Who's Teri?"

I start laughing and head in there to explain my "friends" Kim1Champ, Queen B, and Teri...whom I've never met. I tell him how we're all recently added each other as friends on MySpace (even added to the Top Friends section!) - except for Teri as I don't believe she has a MySpace page. Of course this involves me explaining how it was that I came to "know" them and how they know each other (How did you guys meet Teri by the way?).

He's amused by my story and curious, so he asks what company they work for.
I say "Perot Systems".
He says "I hate them!"
This seems like a pretty strong reaction for a company that he should care less about, so I ask "why?"
His response - "They fired me when I was a temp there!"

Champ, Queen, have at him...he reads my blog regularly. :)


Queen B said...

Did he fail the exit exam drug test? :)

Seriously, how do you get fired as a temp? This has got to be a good story. Though I will admit that I harbor negative feelings towards EDS because they didn't hire me after my internship. Even though I pretty much did no work during the internship and still managed to make enough money to buy my (now) husband a motorcycle :)

Captain Will said...

Okay, so I wasn't fired per se, but they didn't ask to have me back. I only worked there one day...maybe that's all they needed me, although they didn't tell me it was a one day assignment.

I didn't mind, though, because what they had me do was so incredibly boring...and this is coming from a CPA...

Queen B said...

ah, ok, I gotcha... not being asked back, I can relate (stupid EDS). I have found that boring work leads to increased spending in online shopping, so they were probably just saving you from tremendous debt :) not that I've ever had boring work or anything...

Teri said...

back in november I was on the christmas blog and at the top of the blogs it says to go to the next blog. the next blog was the kim's blog and i must have laughed for hours. now, I never go to the christmas blog but I go to kims blog all the time. She was the inspirtion for me starting my blog.

I love my blogging friends. you need to add the skinners news and the Smith blog to your list of favorites, theres are very funny too.

Kim Thomas said...

This has to be the funniest blog ever! How happy am I that will actually reads? That is great!

Will, if you want to work in San Bernardino in desktop support I'll take you back :)

P.S. How happy am I that Jenn is one of my top friends on my space?

Jane said...

Rachel Made you do it and Kim made me! (Have to love those damn Evans sisters)

Thanks for the link to the Smiths :)