Sunday, July 1, 2007


While walking Oskar tonight I met a neighbor couple and their two dogs. Carlos and Jennifer are getting married in about 3 weeks and she's only a couple years older than me (hence the very creative name of Jennifer). Their dogs are Dori and Callie and both are Oskar-sized. Do you think Oskar made friends with either of them? No, of course not. He barked his head off until I picked him up. Dori did the same. Callie seems to be a puppy so she just followed suit.

Jennifer and I committed to convincing our dogs to be friends (which of course would make us friends). YAY!!! Neighbor friends that I didn't go to high school with.

Oh yeah, that reminds me...Reva and Josh's house looks like it's done, so they should be moving in soon. More newlywed neighbors! I love my neighborhood more and more each day!!! Seriously, this is cool. I'll be able to socialize while being at home...this is new to me.

Now if I can just find the owner of the big dog that keeps pooping in front of my house, I'll give them a complimentary holder with poop bag picker-uppers that they can tie on their leash. Oskar has one, but I've never had to use it...he's very particular about relieveing himself in public places. Yes, I'm serious.

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