My week (and the whole month really) has been so crazy busy at work (and shockingly for the right reasons) that I'm functioning on auto-pilot to survive. The good news is that I work well under pressure and like being busy, as it makes the time at work fly by...the challenge is that I'm spending a lot more time there than I'd like.
Monday 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM
# of hours worked: 12 1/2
Starbucks - yes (if I'm getting up and leaving my house before 6 AM, I'm going to need caffeine!)
Lunch break consisted of 30 mins to run to Fresh and Easy and stock pile meals/snacks for the week
Costco after work (best time to go to Costco, especially if it's raining)
Tuesday 7 AM - 7 PM
# of hours worked: 12
Starbucks - no
Lunch - PBJ at desk
Stopped at mom's house briefly on the way home to use facilities
Got home at 8PM, in bed watching tv by 8:30, asleep by 9
Wednesday 7AM-5PM
# of hours worked: 10
Starbucks - yes (I left at 5:59 AM - it counts!)
After work: class until 8:30 + plus 30 minutes to sell my teacher on her exemplary student
It was only on my drive home that I realized I hadn't had anything to eat since my banana at 10 AM - did I mention it was POURING rain?
Thursday 6AM-5PM
# of hours planned to work: 11
After work plans: Kings vs. Ducks @ Staples Center
I'd like to get my rainy day bread bowl, but I'm not holding my breath
Friday 7AM-5PM
# of hours planned to work: 10
I'm really hoping to stick to this plan!
Please note that these times do not reflect my hour commute to work and 40 minute commute home.
I started this post because it felt like I hadn't blogged in forever and felt compelled to defend that - then I realized that I blogged Monday morning which honestly feels like it was a week ago. Sigh!