Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I'm calling this 2007 version 2.0 :)

1) Drink water, milk, and juice - no caffeine, no soda
2) Eat fresh/organic foods
3) No white bread (severely limit all other white carbs - whole wheat here I come!)
4) Limit sweets to 100 calorie, fat free Jello instant puddings
5) Gym 4 times per week or I lose my "food cheat day"

2:24 PST update:
2.5 liters of water down and I have a headache from no caffeine. It's amazing how fast you become addicted to caffeine! I've visited the restroom at work 4 times already today, which I do not have time for. (It takes away from my blogging time!) I found 2 ways to fight laziness in drinking water and eating healthy - 1) buy bottled water by the case and stash it under your desk, 2) order a mini-fridge to also stash under your desk so that you can keep nice fresh fruits and veggies there to grab when the desire to stress eat occurs


Pickle said...

Im thinking you should rename them to Life Style Changes and not Resolutions. You might have a better outcome than last year. Positive thinking promotes Positive Action. Love your suggestions for my Life style changes for 2008.

Jenn Ann said...

Funny thing...I contemplated titling this New Year's Resolutions/Life Style Changes but thought that'd be too long.

The only thing that sidelined me last year was my back/neck/brain problems.

I stopped drinking soda as my 2004 resolution. I can so do this!

Anonymous said...

I second #3, the weight just falls off when you cut the "white" stuff!!!

Ruth Anne said...

Well, I think we know where I stand. Nothing wrong with a little Diet Coke.

Kim Thomas said...

No caffeine at all? Yikes!

Jane said...

No caffeine means no Starbucks. Curses

Ann said...

We switched to whole wheat products last year, and actually lost weight! I love wheat bread, and wheat pasta, now, too.

Caffeine addiction, they say, is worse than a cocaine addiction. Tread lightly. It's estimated that it can take a month of severe headaches to get over caffeine addiction...don't go cold turkey.

Queen B said...

excellent lists. I think you owe us quarterly progress reports, so we know if this is doable!

Anonymous said...

Yeah the water idea is pretty good, but its effects do creep up on you throughout the day! Keep up the good ideas/work.