Tuesday, August 26, 2008

BBB 10.20 - Hijacked by Queen B!!!

Tonight's Big Brother Blog is brought to you by Queen B, today's official surrogate blogger extraordinaire...

Love how Dan refers to him and Memphis as the "secret renegade alliance." He is so dramatic! Also, do you think he's going to wear the same "Taken" t-shirt for the rest of his time in the house?

Not sure why Dan is like half keeping his agreement with Ollie. I don't understand why he's not thinking of putting Ollie up if the POV gets used. They would have the votes to get him out. The way he's doing it, he's going to make a big enemy out of Ollie. The double elimination is definitely going to throw a wrench in things.

Jerry's quote in discussion with Ollie and Michelle: "we all have to win it (the POV)." Uh, usually there is not a 3-way tie.

These women cry so darn much. At least Keesha has the class to shed quiet tears, unlike Renny and Michelle and their incoherent sobbing. Oh, I spoke too soon. Jerry is also a crier. Dan? Ollie? Your turn? Yay, since I took over the blog, I get to say nice things about Keesha!

(Phone ringing, ringing, ringing) Michelle: "the phone is ringing. do we answer it? do we answer the phone?" hmmmm, no. I bet the producers thought it would make for a good episode to just have the annoying ringing for the full hour. Pick up the phone already!

Glad Jerry got the phone call. But wondering... after the husband and I have been married for 50 years or something, do you think we'll have the exact same voice? Man, all I was thinking about when he was talking to his wife was about how he touched April's boob. Ew.

Wow, Keesha looks pretty in her blue/white shirt.

Ooh, I love puzzle contests! Dan is so funny... "going into this competition, I don't want to win." That sentence sums him up in every game so far!

Wow, Keesha is a good puzzler and sure knows how to wear a spacesuit! Actually, Memphis kinda looked hot as an astronaut. (insert "you can land on my moon any day" joke here)

Oh, no, Jerry's "life is on the line" with POV! I didn't know they executed the losers in BB! Hmmm, Jerry, not sure how helpful crossword puzzles are in the context of giant, space-themed put-together puzzles but nice try.

Ha @ Memphis on Michelle: "even if she's a friend, she's still a b!tch." What kind of friends does he have?!

Dan: "obviously no one needs to know," he says to a room full of people as he spills secrets.

I actually kinda like Ollie. I'm sad that he's getting screwed in this deal. If the preacher's son can't trust the Catholic school teacher, who can you trust? :(

Man, Dan is crazy to be implementing this game at the veto meeting. Don't get where he's going with this. Why does he think there will be fireworks when everyone knows that he's coordinating this stupid game? LOL, Keesha does not look happy at the game. Wow, what a messed up game. Dan did not make a friend on this whole thing. Why did he not just talk Memphis into not using the veto? They could have gotten Jerry out, no major waves. Eh, well, I guess it's about time the show got a little more exciting! Ollie is not a happy camper... poor guy. First his girlfriend goes, then he gets screwed.


Andrea said...

Great Update!!

LMAO regarding the possibility of executing BB losers. If that were the case, it would make for an even MORE interesting show!!!

Jenn Ann said...

This not only makes me sad that we missed tonights episode, but that I should retire from BBB. All hail th Queen! Then again, she does some of her best work when she's writing for others / writing fiction.

Queen B said...

Wow, it's funny. I agree with everything that was written in this post! Funny how we're just on the same wavelength sometimes ;)

I guess I should have posted about what actual strategic events happened in the episode... maybe next time.