Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This Post's for The Hubby

As I've probably mentioned a million times, the hubby misplaces things on a regular basis and - thankfully - I have a visual memory, so I tend to remember where I last saw the item in question. I admit, I often mock/torture him in the process. :)

Yesterday I had a moment where I thought that I'd lost my credit card (that I never use except for online purchases). I couldn't find it anywhere in my purse that I thought I'd put it. I alerted the hubby to my slight panic. It hadn't been used since June, so I didn't think I'd lost it anywhere in public.

This morning I had the epiphany that it was in my wristlet in my purse. Yep, there it was! And so, this is me making fun of myself :)


Kim Thomas said...

In your purse....snicker snicker.

Queen B said...

I'm amazed you remembered at all!

Jinjer said...

I love it. And I love that you love purses :)