Friday, August 22, 2008


Two major topics came to mind while Mr Pearl was safely stowed in the off position in my carry-on.

1) Small yappy dogs should NOT be brought onto a red eye flight.

2) I was talking with a friend yesterday about a conversation she had with her husband. He'd commented that both she and her 1 year old daughter could fall asleep anywhere at just about any time of day if they were tired enough. Her 4 year old son and husband? Not so much.

Historically, I always steal the window seat when I fly with the hubby. On this trip I allowed him to have the window since he was going to drive the first leg on our way to PA once we landed at 6:30 AM this morning.

It was a waste of a window seat! He slept as little as I did, whereas I can sleep anywhere if I have a place to lay my head down, I struggle in a middle seat. Don't get me wrong, I still got a few hours, but it was broken up into not more than 30 minute increments.

My question is: is it a woman thing to be able to sleep anywhere?


Queen B said...

it probably is a woman thing, and thus explains why I can't do it. My hubby mostly can.

RO that you usually make Will sit in the middle seat. That's totally hilarious. And that you "let" him have the window seat. hahahahaha, poor guy! Will, you need to talk to my hubby about how to demand the window seat ;)

What do you mean he's driving the first leg? He's driving all legs, right? How are you going to be mobiley, if you're driving?

Paula said...

I can sleep just about anywhere. My husband cannot. If we are driving longer than an hour to 1.5 hrs, I fall asleep very easily.

Andrea said...

I can sleep about anywhere. If I'm the passenger in a car, I'm usually out within 15 minutes, which really sucks if we are only going for a 20 minutes trip. I wake up and have some sort of mark on my face where I leaned up against something, I'm all groggy and discombobulated....

Of course, since I'm often times the driver it really doesn't work for me to fall asleep in the car.

Kim Thomas said...

I couldn't disagree more strongly! David can sleep anywhere and in seconds. I can't sleep on planes, I can't take naps. I don't have any trouble sleeping as long as it's night time and I am in a bed, otherwise forget it.

Unknown said...

"...a woman thing". lol....i can sleep just about anywhere too!